Urban Simplex - Part III


 Urban Simplex - Part III

Most of the changes to the RJUE provided for in Decree-Law no. 10/2024 come into force.

Amendments that come into force on March 4, 2024: 

  • Limitation of the municipal regulatory scope, ensuring standardization of the instructional elements (article 3);
  • It is only possible to request missing elements once during the sanitation and preliminary assessment phase (article 11);
  • After sanitation and preliminary assessment, the application cannot be rejected due to incomplete information (article 11);
  • Admission of changes to the project following the prior hearing of interested parties (article 13 C);
  • Extension of the Favorable Prior Information period to two years, with the possibility of a further one-year extension (article 17);
  • Change in the time limit counting system: the deadline for the final decision runs from the date of submission of the application (article 23) and the request for external opinions does not suspend the counting of time limits (article 13);
  • Tacit approval for all urban planning operations once the deadline set for the performance of any act due has passed (article 111);
  • Elimination of the limitation on extensions to the deadline for carrying out works (article 58).
  • Creation of conditions for municipalities to hire inspection services, which are not dependent on the publication of the regulatory decree (repeal of article 94, no. 6);
  • Clarification and simplification of requests for the use of buildings (articles 62 to 64);
  • Provision of areas for housing in allotment operations (article 43 RJUE).


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